Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Last experiences in Oaxaca

My experience in Oaxaca is coming to a close. I'm in my last week here and I'm really sad. Unfortunately, I wont be able to post anything big until I get back to the States, due to the fact that I'm swamped in my final essays.

I'll quickly go over some aspects of what I did in the last week!

I saw one surgery this week, which was quite interesting. A 12 year old girl needed ligament correction because her foot was incorrectly oriented. The surgery was extremely simple, and it took about 20 minutes to complete. Dr. Rene cut the ligaments and restitched it in the correct orientation. It was an extremely simple surgery, which I enjoyed.

Unfortunately, it was also my last day at Hospital ISSSTE, and I was extremely sad. I did not want to say bye to Dr. Rene because he taught me so much and we've built such a great relationship. He was always happy to have me around. However, I took his contact information and we parted ways :(. He told me to keep in touch, incase he ever wanted to visit California. I'm glad that I was able to spend 4 weeks of this quarter, rotating with him. I learned how far empathy can take a health care practitioner in his ability to deliver care. Watching Dr. Rene interact with his patients is a priceless learning experience, and it gave me real time exposure to empathetic and socially aware health care. I learned a lot and I loved it. Hopefully, I can improve my emotional intelligence skills to his level, as well as Dr. Tenorio's.

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